Vision, Perception & EDS
Binocular vision disorders are a perceptual problem with the eye – meaning, that the issues arise from the eye itself having uncoordinated movements.

BVD’s are present in nearly ALL of our hEDS/HSD population in some form, and as progressive conditions can gradually worsen and go unnoticed during treatment.
The medical community is slowly realizing that BVD’s should be quickly evaluated, and can drastically improve neurological symptoms, and quality of life.
Vision Therapy Success Stories
Binocular Vision – How, What, Who
BVD’s Triggering Anxiety and the Fight/Flight/Freeze Response
After watching even a few of these short videos, do you feel that this is an issue you, your children or a loved one need answers for?
BVD’s for Professionals
BVD and Vision Therapy are not mysterious or new! All vision specialists and neurologists have had access to this information for decades.
Vision Therapy
Find A F.C.O.V.D. Licensed Doctor of Optometry. And use these videos to find GOOD vision therapy.
What Vision Therapy Is: Not just your average eye program, Find a Provider Near You.
Therapy should not use VR goggles, computer programs, or technicians. Doctor lead therapy can shorten treatment by YEARS through: managing visual changes as the eyes and brain learn in real time, adjusting therapy program on-the-spot for changes to keep the eye-brain and eye-motor learning, and provide skilled integration during the therapy process rather than after the fact.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site and the supporting attachments provided by Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting are for educational purposes only. Although we have performed extensive research regarding medical conditions, treatments, diagnoses, protocols and medical research, the staff of Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting are not licensed members of the North Carolina Medical Board or any clinical affiliates including but not limited to the NC Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, the NC board of Licensed Professional Counselors, or the NC board of Dietetics/Nutrition. Information provided by members of Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical doctor, counselor, therapist or other licensed clinical practitioner in handling your medical affairs.