What is Patient Advocacy & Consulting at RLPAC?
What services do I provide? Every patient is a unique and special case. As such, some services I can provide for you may not be listed below, but rest assured we will discuss your personalized needs thoroughly at your initial consult.
Each patient advocate has a special skill set that informs their advocacy efforts. My particular flavors are my personal experience with the conditions in which I specialize, and my background in education, K-Undergraduate, and academic research at multiple universities. My approach to traditional advocacy services is also strengthened by my experience with this condition, compassion for those who share my and my children’s conditions: hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and the varied experiences of its co-conditions.
I welcome patients from any religious or non religious background, any ethnicity, or personal choices about the type of medical care you wish to receive be it clinical, traditional, alternative or integrative medicine. I cautiously recommend alternatives for pain management due to overwhelming research supporting the addictive nature of opioids, and its aggravation of mast cells in the sensitive EDS immune system (click here for more information). Please contact me if you have further questions about my ability to advocate with you and for you.
RLPAC is Not Currently Taking New Clients.
For Local support in North Carolina and surrounding areas, please join our Facebook Group
Ehlers-Danlos & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders and Beyond!
Our area wide databases is in this group, as well as additional key resources, support vidoes, group meet ups through Umi and More.
For community and advocacy, check our work with the Umi Wellness Center!
My Services include but are not limited to:
- Comprehensive medical and symptom history with unique features of the hEDS/HSD spectrum in mind.
- Support in seeking thorough and proper evaluation for diagnosis or diagnoses, regardless of EDS outcomes (EDS is diagnosis by exclusion and often requires many other conditions be ruled out first. EDS patients can also develop additional conditions, like autoimmune disorders).
- Coordination of Care – strategic support for arranging appointments, consults, procedures, therapies, etc. Choosing priorities unique to each individual.
- Appointment preparation – discussing issues ahead of time and creating a plan for communication with medical professionals.
- Finding and nurturing a complete care team and skills to manage it.
- Education about new diagnoses, suspected diagnosis, treatment options, procedures, therapies and medications.
- Guidance in building a unique cultural approach to your long term health and stability.
- Educational support for parents and caregivers.
“Advocacy is taking your story, your voice, your experience, and turning it into a positive force.”
-Chris Wilson, National Patient Advocacy Foundation
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site and the supporting attachments provided by Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting are for educational purposes only. Although we have performed extensive research regarding medical conditions, treatments, diagnoses, protocols and medical research, the staff of Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting are not licensed members of the North Carolina Medical Board or any clinical affiliates including but not limited to the NC Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, the NC board of Licensed Professional Counselors, or the NC board of Dietetics/Nutrition. Information provided by members of Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy Consulting should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical doctor, counselor, therapist or other licensed clinical practitioner in handling your medical affairs.